I want to voice the struggles that teenagers are facing.
I desire to answer questions that parents are asking.
I want to challenge some Christians to stop talking about their faith and start living it out.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Why I am for Slavery

Paul starts his letter to the Romans by introducing himself, which is typical in Paul's letters. Usually he will state "Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus." Three times (Romans, Philippians, and Titus) he begins by writing "Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus." Then once he writes to Philemon, "Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus." I find his introductions to be very revealing of his view of Jesus. Most modern day Christians would love to be an 'apostle' of Jesus; most would hesitate at being a 'slave' of Jesus, and most would run from being a 'prisoner' of Jesus.

I hear back and forth people that title themselves for Jesus. I have heard of Jesus Freaks, Followers of Jesus, Soldiers of Christ, Army of the Lord, Family of God, Saints of the Lord, etc. I will occasionally even hear people refer the themselves as Servants of the Lord. But even a servant doesn't compare with what Paul was stating here. Paul's reference to his being a Slave of Christ Jesus is a powerful statement of relinquishing his rights.

Most of the titles we wear as Christians are positive in nature or pleasing in meaning. Who wouldn't want to 'follow' Jesus or be a part of God's 'family' or even be associated as a 'servant'? The reality is that the concept of slavery is so viewed negatively that it is a term that offends people. The understanding of Paul's title of a slave is key to our relationship with Christ.

As the Holy Spirit convicts us, and we respond to Him in submission which results in repentance; we enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ. We often abuse this relationship because of a misunderstanding of the relationship. We love the part of our relationship that brings freedom and liberty. We love the end result of this relationship which is spending eternity in Heaven. We focus on our side of the relationship that we typically neglect or purposefully ignore His side. We are called to surrender our lives and our everything to Christ. Essentially, we are to become Slaves of Christ.

The best picture of this that I can think of comes from an animated film that came out when I was in like 2nd Grade, Aladdin. In the movie, there was a genie in an ancient lamp. This genie was to grant any wishes to the boy, Aladdin, that rubbed the lamp. You see, most of the time we view ourselves as the boy and God as the genie, when in reality it is the opposite (kind of). At the end of the movie, Aladdin does the unspeakable and wishes the genie to be free. So now, the genie is free to do whatever he wants to do, yet is still capable of being a slave to his master. We are the genie that has been given amazing freedom, yet in our freedom we long to be slave to the one who freed us.

What do you think?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Where have I been

Wow! It seems as though I have not written a blog in years. (More like five years) Anyway, I want to get back sharing my thoughts, opinions, convictions, and passions. I want to get back into voicing the struggles that teenagers are facing. I desire to answer questions that parents are asking. I want to challenge some Christians to stop talking about their faith and start living it out. I may come across as offensive or highly opinionated, and if this is bothersome, then there are other blogs to read. I also plan on posting regarding the ministry at Emmanuel Baptist Church and all that God is doing through His church. Without drawing this out too much, this entry is simply a heads up that you will begin to hear back from me soon.