I want to voice the struggles that teenagers are facing.
I desire to answer questions that parents are asking.
I want to challenge some Christians to stop talking about their faith and start living it out.

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Celebrating Mediocrity

I really enjoy watching football. I have played football in middle school and high school. Now that I am getting older and slower, I am enjoying playing flag football. I have coached JV Football. I enjoy spending Saturdays watching collegiate football and Sundays watching the NFL. However, this year I have really focused on college football.

I don't know if it is just me, but it seems that every college that has a football team is in a bowl game of some sort. This quandary got me thinking. Is being in a bowl game even that important anymore? I mean, if everyone gets to go to a celebratory bowl game then what's the point? I completely understand the National Championship game because it is crowning a championship football program (despite the obvious flaws that are in the BCS system). For example, The Ohio State made the Gator Bowl and received a 2.7 million dollar pay check for their school...with a 6-7 record. They were rewarded with a bowl game and a bunch of money for being a below-average team.

A few years ago, we hosted Upward sports at our church. I absolutely support the purpose and goal of Upward sports, but I have one problem with the dynamic in which it operates. As the kids play their sports, there is a play for fun mentality where no actual score is kept, and at the end of the season everyone receives an award for at least showing up. Really? Is it necessary to reward and acknowledge mediocrity?

No wonder kids today have the audacity and arrogance to tell their teachers, coaches, and parents, "No". We have created a culture that encourages laziness, self-awareness, compromise, and no personal responsibility. This is seen in family units, our nation's government, and even in collegiate sports.

Instead of celebrating mediocrity this year, perhaps you might just strive for excellence. Instead of blending in with your surroundings, stand out with confidence that God has big plans for those that are willing to step up to the call. Instead of waiting for later, get going today. Make the most of this year as you redeem the time that God has given you.

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