I want to voice the struggles that teenagers are facing.
I desire to answer questions that parents are asking.
I want to challenge some Christians to stop talking about their faith and start living it out.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

24..."Real Time"..."Real Lies"

The hit show 24 has swept across America captivating many people. It is filled with high tech visuals and great acting. The show is riveting and keeps you guessing, "What is going to happen next?" I have, along with many others, become quite glued to my television when it is time for 24 to begin.

Each episode is one hour long and the show proceeds through a "real time" schedule through the season. The entire season is twenty-four hours long; therefore, you watch 24 one-hour episodes. It is a one-of-a-kind show. Basically, you are living through one day in the life of Jack Bauer. Jack is a federal agent with the Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) in L.A. He does all that he can do to protect America from the threat of terrorists.

The plot has some good American patriotism to it, but there is some other issues that are shown throughout the seasons of 24. For example in the last season, Habib Marwan was the main terrorist who was an extreme islamic radical who wanted to attack America by way of Nuclear Warfare. That season was criticized as being slanderous toward Muslims, but the show was portraying how the extreme, not all, Muslims would be toward America. It hit on an issue that America is facing in today's society.

This season the terrorist is President Logan...the President of the Unided States. Logan allowed terrorist to gain control of nerve gas to release on Russia. The plan was to release the gas on the terrorist once they were out of the country, but they caught on to the plan. To make the long story short, President Logan had several people killed during this one day just to make a political statement. He sacrificed many lives to better his own. The scariest part is the way that he controls himself when he is forced to lie. He lied to his wife, his country, his chief of staff, himself. He became so good at lying that it doesn't even phase him to lie right to his wife's face.

Just as the show is displayed in "real time"...it also displays real life. In this world of fleshly desires, all types of people find lying to be a part of their lives. It can be your parents, your children, your employees, your boss, your friends, whoever; and you lie through your teeth. Lying is a natural response that we see beginning in the garden of Eden with Adam and Eve and the Serpent. No one has to teach you to lie...in fact, some of us are very good at lying.

If you are familiar with the show at all, President Logan shows no remorse at all as he lies to everyone. It has almost become a natural response. We all can fall into that life of deception. We can either tell the truth and accept consequenses or we can lie and let it go. In the 24 hrs you have each day...during your "real time" life...don't get caught up in "real lies"....

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