I want to voice the struggles that teenagers are facing.
I desire to answer questions that parents are asking.
I want to challenge some Christians to stop talking about their faith and start living it out.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Power of Darkness

"Are You Afraid of the Dark?"...what memories of my childhood. Nickelodeon started this show when I was a kid about scary stories and pranks. It was meant to be a childish show that would spook kids, not to terrify kids. However childish it may seem to be scared of the dark, most of us would have to admit honesty that there is something creepy about darkness.

What are some things that take place under the shadow of darkness? Most crimes are committed during dark hours. Prostitution, drug dealing/using, gang fights, burglaries, murders, and trespassing are all crimes committed predominantly during the concealing blanket of night. This is the prime time to do things that are wrong because not many people are around to see what is happening. We, as humans, tend to have the mindset that if no one can see what I am doing then it is not wrong. Not many times do people try to do horrible things during the middle of the day because they don't want to be noticed. Now, I understand that there are some very crazy exceptions to the rule.

Darkness not only carries a sense of crime along with it, but it also has a sense of evil to it. Here this, there is nothing evil about darkness in and of itself. God made light and divided it from the darkness and He called it good. However, Satan has found darkness to be a great way to work his evil. Most witchcraft, wicca, black magic, and sorcery is centered around darkness.

Now teenagers and adults alike are making a bold stand for darkness. There are those who call themselves Gothic. Most people tie the word Gothic with Psycho dressed in all black. Now it is a characteristic of a Gothic to dress in all black, but Gothic simply refers back to a German history. There is Gothic architecture, literature, and time period. Today's Gothics have a strong passion for darkness. They look to Hitler and other German leaders as idols, and they want to suppress their emotion by covering it all in black.

Really, Gothics are people who have issues, like us all, and they want attention, so they get it by dressing in black and painting their hair and faces. They don't like light because light exposes problems. God is light. Therefore they have to desire for things of God. The only way to fix a problem is to expose it, so the only answer for the problems of a Gothic or anyone else is to look to God and let Him expose their sin and change them.

This is a warning to all teenagers. Do Not Get Caught Up In Dark Things!! Once you open up your mind or ears to things that are deceptive and dark, they will take you down. If you read this and you are involved in some dark issues, e-mail me and I would love to share with you a better way.

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