I want to voice the struggles that teenagers are facing.
I desire to answer questions that parents are asking.
I want to challenge some Christians to stop talking about their faith and start living it out.

Monday, May 08, 2006

The Da Vinci Code...

"The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"...a classic line from Chiken Little. What a cute innocent children's fable, that has now become a children's cartoon movie about aliens. The movie does keep the initial ground work about Chickin Little's fear that the sky is falling, but it then just overflows with creative imagination. Many movies have been high on the box office charts recently that share the same concept of PANIC.

In 2002 M. Night Shyamalan released Signs starring Mel Gibson. This movie is about a Catholic priest whose wife died in a car accident. As she was dying, she told him hints that revealed the coming of aliens to the earth. Along with crop signs that were left in fields, it seemed evident that something was coming. The aliens came and terrorized the planet, and then suddenly left. This is just one of the movies that got it's unmerited views across by using a PANIC mentality.

The War of the Worlds hit the big screen in June of 2005. This film is a re-make of an earlier film which was based on a scandal. The scandal was to try and scare people by telling them that aliens from other worlds were coming to take over the earth. Once again we see the thoughts and principles of people shaken by PANIC.

There are several other movies that we have seen at theatres recently that promote ideas or views by causing PANIC: The Day After Tommorow, Independance Day, Armageddon, and many more. A new movie that is coming out very soon is The Da Vinci Code by Ron Howard and starring Tom Hanks. This movie is very clever in the way it attempts to promote the thoughts and opinions of Dan Brown. The movie attacks the very core principles and facts of the Bible and Jesus Christ. He does this by promoting a sense of PANIC.

The truth that is contained within the pages of Scripture is being challenged by the misconstrued ideas of Mr. Brown and others that take part in the Da Vinci Code. Both Christians and non-Christians agree that there are many wrong concepts given in this book and movie about history and the Bible in particular. A great movie about this issue is The Da Vinci Deception put out by D. James Kennedy in Fort Lauderdale, FL. It will supply support from many historians and art historians about the fallacies in The Da Vinci Code.

When this movie comes out, do not support it. Instead of going to see the movie, take time to talk to your friends or neighbors about the lies and deception contained within this movie. Remember that the best way to know if something is contrary to the truth of Scripture is to know the Scripture. Check the Bible for yourself and see if the Da Vinci Code is fact or fiction.

The PANIC that movies are using to change our views and ideas about life are based on what is to come. The movie industry loves to strike PANIC in our hearts over the issue of the future. What is out there? Are there aliens around us? They are correct about one thing. The world could end at any moment, but we as Christians do not worry about panic because we know what is to come. Keep that in mind when our faith is shaken. God is in control...not Dan Brown...not Ron Howard...not you...but God.


masha said...

what a great thoughts. Thank you for them. I bookmarked your blog, please keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

JC - I love you and so proud that your heart shows in your writings. Will always be praying for you and Carie. Love Me